Lifting or facelift

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Facelift is a procedure performed to give a more youthful appearance to a patient's face. It is indicated to eliminate flaccidity of the skin of the face and neck. It can be combined with Bleparoplasty. This procedure provides an improvement in the behavior of patients in their social environment.

What you have to know about Lifting or Facelift?

The consumption of medications that increase the risk of bleeding such as: aspirin, vitamin E and Ginseng should be stopped. Also, tobacco, alcohol and ginger tea, at least two weeks before.
Es un procedimiento que dura dos horas aproximadamente. Se realiza con anestesia general, con anestesia local más sedación. Las incisiones se realizan delante y por detrás de la oreja y se oculta en el cuero cabelludo para que la cicatriz resultante sea lo menos visible posible. La piel excedente se resaca y luego se procede a eliminar o reubicar el tejido debajo de la piel, obteniendo así un resultado lo más natural posible.
It is an outpatient procedure depending on the case. Antibiotics and analgesics are recommended before and after surgery. A compressive bandage is placed for the first 8 hours. Solar radiation is not recommended and if necessary, a sunscreen should be used. No sudden movements should be made and ultrasound is recommended for a better prognosis.

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